Andrea and Ned contacted me inquiring about an engagement portrait session in downtown Houston. We worked to develop a vision for the session and planned the locations as well as outfits we would be utilizing. The goal of our session was to capture authentic moments and interactions while exploring downtown Houston. Whenever possible I like to be on location anywhere from 20-30 minutes prior to the start time, arriving early gives me ample time for parking (which in this case was much needed) as well as get oriented with where the best lighting is at the moment.
I started by having Andrea + Ned go for a little walk through Market Square Park. At this point I usually throw on a zoom lens, either an 85mm or 70-200mm lens which I’ve found allows my clients to get comfortable with being on camera without feeling the camera all in their face. Once they warmed up a bit we proceeded to go to one of their favorite date night locations for some cute and snuggly photos.
Once we felt like we had enough photos on street level, we headed to the rooftop lounge of their downtown apartment complex where they cooled off by jumping in the pool and getting some fun blue-hour shots with the Houston skyline in the background. These photos were particularly fun + unique because Andrea and Ned weren’t shy about jumping in their pool fully clothed.
For this session I used my Sony A7RIV with a combination of a wide and medium telephoto lenses which helped get a variety of shots and angles which helped me capture the love these two shared. Some of my best work is captured during couple’s portrait sessions like this where we just go exploring and I’m merely there to help facilitate and not necessarily strictly pose my clients. The more fun we can have during the session and the more candid we can stay the more authentic the photos come out!
See more of my work by checking out my IG @lovebytoken and book your next session with me!